2017 has gotten off to a flying start already with lots of work commissioned, completed and waiting for publication, so lots of new updates on my website and here to follow. For now, I finished off the last post with a teaser for something I'd been working on for a fairly long time on and off. If you follow me on social media you would have already seen that this was a little sneak peek of my first children's book! Dedicated to my niece, 'Want to Play?' follows Bear on his journey to find someone to play with. Here's a few spreads:
I focused on some really rich landscapes, full of texture and depth, to become the home of Bear, a little red abstract character made from simplified shapes and flat colours. This created a careful interplay between figurative and abstract to portray Bear's playfulness and energy.
I'm really happy with how the book turned out, landscapes are something I create most in my personal work because I think there can be something quite powerful about them. You can infer so much from a place, emotions, atmosphere, tone, all without showing a smile or frown.
I'd love to create another book and have some ideas floating around so watch this space!
If you would like to purchase my book you can do here: http://www.blurb.co.uk/b/7716267-want-to-play?t=1485257850887
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